The Individual in the Group 31 March 2009
By Appreciable Goodfaithpoet
If good individuals work with others,
They can share and help and lift.
As a sister or a brother,
Yes, from God they are a gift.
Good groups know more together,
Than individuals ever could,
This brings blessings forever,
As they magnify the good.
There always is a leader
In every group that forms.
They are the silent meter
That validates the norms.
If a good leader is rejected,
Then by another they’ll be led.
Individual minds are then affected,
By the motives in that head.
Some leaders sow corruption.
Like a disease, it then can spread,
Bringing angers’ black eruption,
That fills with hate the head.
So in this situation,
Involving groups of any kind.
We must find some inspiration,
And use the power of our mind.
To guard freedom, born of trust,
And preserve our liberty,
We must find the one who’ll lead us,
To the place we need to be.
We should be a willing servant,
When we’re called upon to lead.
Being watchful and observant,
Helping others in their need.
Individuals can decide,
To stay pure and free of sin.
When the atonement is applied,
God’s household we’ll be in.
Yes, even if you feel alone,
And the group despises you.
Walk the path the Lord has shown,
And form the group, of God and you.
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-Appreciable Goodfaithpoet