Saturday, February 13, 2010

Faith and Trust

Faith and Trust - 7 January 2010
By Appreciable Goodfaithpoet

A reliable eyewitness

Is always needed,

To validate the fitness

Of words that we have heeded.

A scientific approach

Seems to earn the peoples trust

While faith brings sure reproach

Which humbles to the dust.

Yet both testimonies come from eyewitnesses

That we accept on faith

Their words are the "litmoses"

And become our "Thus saith..."

Unless we repeat all experiments

To verify the data

We must trust to be conviced

In a scientific matter.

The scienists have changed

The things they say are true

Pluto's now been rearranged

It's no more a planet than are you.

The words of God's true prophets

Have remained the same

They draw strength from ancient roots

To speak in Jesus' name

If I have a choice

Between trusting God or man

I will heed the prophets voice

And with Jesus take my stand.


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-Appreciable Goodfaithpoet